Excerpt from Introduction].
Edition 3.7 Last updated ‐ 1 September 2016
The Australian Government through the Department of Agriculture established the National Standard for Organic and Bio‐Dynamic Produce in 1992 and subsequent added to it in 1998 to address Australian Export Standards for products labelled organic or bio‐ dynamic. Since inception it has provided the organic industry with a nationally agreed Standard.
The Standard stipulates minimum requirements for products placed on the market with labelling which states or implies they have been produced under organic or bio‐dynamic systems. In this Standard, the production procedures are an intrinsic part of the identification and labelling of, and claims for, such products.
The Standard provides a framework for the organic industry covering production, processing, transportation, labelling and importation. Furthermore the Standard aims to ensure conditions of fair competition in the market place by distinguishing those products produced according to this Standard from those produced by other means. Use of this Standard provides transparency and credibility for the industry and protects the consumer against deception and fraud.
Certifying organisations which have been accredited by the Australian competent authority apply this Standard as a minimum requirement to all products produced by operators certified under this system. This Standard therefore forms the basis of equivalency agreements between approved certifying organisations and importing country requirements. Individual certifying organisations may stipulate additional requirements to those detailed in the standard. The certifying organisations have documented procedures and policies which are able to confirm that certified operators under their control comply with this Standard.