Here at Foodlum, we want to teach you how to properly store your fresh produce, because no one wants to waste perfectly good food or money. With a little bit of knowledge, you can buy with confidence and know which fruits and veggies need refrigerated storage or are fine on the countertop, and how long produce actually lasts.
Single use plastic packaging is everywhere. In some cases, it's unavoidable. But how does this practice affect the environment? How can we reduce our usage?
We want to reach out to everyone, no matter where you are in your journey on the eco-spectrum, to see how we can all become more conscious of our consumption choices.
- The following piece is meant to inform, not to scare. I wholeheartedly believe that although the structure of our food supply is not near perfect, it’s still safe for human consumption. Toxins are everywhere, the air we breathe in urban environments, in the water we drink and also present in the food we consume. Everyday environmental toxins are an unavoidable part of modern existence. The question is, what levels of toxicity are safe for us and further, is there anything we can do to make our consumption safer. Herbicides and Insecticides The scientific community is divided as to whether the introduction of chemicals, such as herbicides, pesticides and insecticides, affect the safety of our produce for human consumption. These...